What I have learned from the ancient spiritual teachings across multiple cultures throughout time:

-Remember who I was, remember who I am: Remember where you came from, your physical and spiritual origins are an integral ingredient of how you walk in the world.

-Stay in the moment, for Now  is all that we have. Conscious awareness nurtures vast self knowledge.

-Nourish each part of the self gently, and you will achieve balanced wholeness. 

-Love who I am, understand who I am, deeply and authentically. Use that knowledge to balance who I am, so that my soul will evolve over many lifetimes throughout time and space.

-Understand the fundamental truth that our true nature is divine.

This is not so different from what I have learned by being a member of the global queer community my entire adult life:

-Shine as the bright light that you are, even when people want to place you back into the shadows. 

-Love yourself fiercely, even if it feels like no one else does. 

-Put in the effort to balance who you are becoming through your own unique transformation.

-Be your authentic self in the face of adversity.

-Celebrate yourself & your community; and unity, change and justice will follow. 

This wisdom parallels what ayurveda teaches.

It wasn't easy coming out at a young age in the early 90s. I had to fight to find self respect, self love, and navigate how to cultivate my inner knowing,

in order to persevere in a world amongst people who didn’t like who I was showing up as.

These tenets are not different from the process of attempting to balance the body when it becomes ill or diseased. In ayurveda’s eyes, the body is a microcosm of our macrocosm- A miniature landscape with a microclimate all its own, of our entire planet and all of its elements and galaxies. 

A reflection of the outside world exists in our inner landscape, physiologically and psychologically, emotionally and spiritually.

To find a balance, one must uncover hidden truths over the passage of time, identify the causes of imbalance, and nourish our landscape through habits and lifestyle changes to reach unity and wholeness.

As a struggling artist years back, I had been reacquainting myself with the natural world I ran wild as a kid amongst, by practicing ethical wildcrafting, making plant medicine and art.

What I didn’t know at the time, is by doing those practices, relating to and immersing myself in nature, I was strengthening my intuition and slowly but surely unifying the different parts of myself on my journey to become whole.

During my art practice, I came up with the sentiment, ”You Are Wild, You Are Free, You Are Home.” 

Looking back I don’t even think I realized what it meant at the time. 

I now know the secret my younger self was trying to share with my future self.

The simple truth is: Just by being alive, we are imbalanced, seeking to become balanced. Longing to come back into the birthright of our wholeness. By no means is the process of connecting back to the self a short trip. 

According to ayurveda, this reality of your Self, who you are,  is unfolding over many lifetimes.

We are all of the elements, and we embody all of their fabulous unique freedom. 

We are space !

We are air ! 

We are water !

We are fire !

&  We are earth. 

We, ourselves, are each an elegant individual cosmos.

You’re a tiny You-niverse all your own.  U R Your S.E.L.F:

A S.ustainable E.volving L.ove F.requency.

And within that recognition, we; mirrors of the universe that created us, moving through time as elemental beings, we recognize that we ourselves, ARE our own homes.

 Each with unique facets, rhythms, and vibrations.

So why not embrace our magical, unique homes, and spend some time stabilizing them, re-building them, renovating them, adorning them, nurturing them, celebrating in them?

The therapies, lifestyle changes, and guidelines within ayurvedic medicine will bring you home to true health and happiness. 

Welcome to YOU-JOY.LIFE !

reminding ourselves of who we are

You Are Wild, You Are Free, You Are Home

You Are Wild, You Are Free, You Are Home


You Joy Life + Wonder Mountain Desert Cabin + Open Source Space


infinity is on our side